1. _Speed = 160KM per Hour_ 2. _Distance covered in 1 second will be 45 metres_ 3. _A small deviation of 3° degrees in the steering will makes the car deviate to 20 metres from the straight line which has a huge potential of hitting the diveder or out of the road. Hence *wheel alignment must be taken care while heading for a highway travelling*. It is very important for those high speeding vehicles_. 1. _Also *avoid drive with a single hand* when speeds are more than 120KMPH_. 2. _*Don't do multi tasking* like drinking, talking on the mobile, smoking etc while driving at high speeds_. 3. _*Don't play loud music/sounds* at high speeds which can make you deaf to the sounds and honks of other vehicles. Also loud noise makes you tired very soon_. 4. _Always *watch rear view mirror for every 5-10 secs*. Watch and check the mirrors while over taking_. 5. _While over taking the other vehicles, calculate the relative speed of the vehicle which you are over taking and accordingly...